Flight Attendants Finally Reveal Best Kept Secrets

Published on 03/06/2018

Does the Crew Sleep During the Flight?

Yes, the flight crew has a particularly grueling schedule. No, they can’t just fall into a deep slumber upon reaching their seats like passengers do. Though, on longer flights, there’s a special sleeping cabin they utilize. Within most Boeing 777 and 787 jets you can find these sleeping quarters that are windowless. Usually, the sleeping area sits above or below the galley. During long flights, pilots even get assigned rest times. Don’t panic, this is when the co-pilot operates the controls! However, the pilot does not use the crew sleeping pods, but rather, pilots have their own compartment.

Does The Crew Sleep During The Flight@

Does The Crew Sleep During The Flight?


Is There An Alcohol Limit?

Seeing the adorable mini alcohol bottles on flights can be very enticing. However, you should always remember to drink responsibly. In fact, the flight attendant will cut you off if you become too intoxicated since it’s illegal to be intoxicated on a flight. Also, it’s illegal for your flight attendant to allow a passenger to get drunk. By the way, you can get up to two years in jail for being drunk on board a flight. So, think twice about your alcohol consumption in-flight. Also, the changing cabin pressure makes every glass hit you faster than on land.

Is There An Alcohol Limit@

Is There An Alcohol Limit?