Flight Attendants Finally Reveal Best Kept Secrets

Published on 03/06/2018

Is The Air Safe?

Back to cleanliness, let’s talk about the air on planes. Most of us try not to consider airborne viruses while inhaling the air on flights. Although, we probably have all considered whether or not the cabin ventilation systems are effective, especially sitting in close quarters with sneezing passengers. Despite the panic, the plane air is actually pretty clean. What passengers breathe in is from the engine’s compressors and not exhaust. So the thing known as the ‘bleed air’ system is combining fresh breathable air with recirculated air. Essentially, it’s comparable to any average office air.

Is The Air Safe@

Is The Air Safe?


No Engine No Problem

Well, sure it’s a problem, but not as big as you’d imagine. Can planes really fly without an engine? Surprisingly, they can! While it’s very rare for a plane to undergo engine failure, airplanes are able to glide about 1.5 nautical miles for each 1,000 ft of altitude. Just as reference, commercial jets fly at around 30,000 ft. Of course, pilots have all been trained on making their planes glide as far as they can.

No Engine No Problem

No Engine No Problem