Flight Attendants Finally Reveal Best Kept Secrets

Published on 03/06/2018

Expensive Tickets

Everyone knows what it’s like to watch the ever-inflating flight prices climb not just over the years, but from month to month. Also why does there seem to be a new absurd fee for just about everything nowadays? Well, in order for an airline to make a profit from a ticket, the plane must fly at 85 percent capacity. Thus, that’s why we have seat fees, baggage fees and endless other extra costs. Since the airlines need to make a profit and people frequently miss flights, most flights will be overbooked.

Expensive Tickets

Expensive Tickets


The Flight Attendant Look

Way back when, there used to be airline regulations about the weight, age and personal grooming habits of flight attendants. Nowadays, flight staff does not adhere to such strict and frankly, sexist criteria. However, there’s still an emphasis on professional presentation, but the other restrictions have fallen to the wayside. Interestingly enough, airlines have height parameters in order to ensure their staff can comfortable perform all their responsibilities.

The Flight Attendant Look

The Flight Attendant Look