Flight Attendants Finally Reveal Best Kept Secrets

Published on 03/06/2018

Probation Period

When flight attendants first get hired they go through six months of a very strict probation period. Some flight attendants have been let go during this time for the smallest things like, wearing the uniform sweater tied around the waist. One story revealed involved a flight attendant pretending to be past her probation period so she could enjoy the perk of flying home for free. Unsurprisingly, she got fired. Also, when flight attendants call in sick not only are they not flying on a flight they work, but they cannot get on another airline as a passengers or they will be immediately fired.

Probation Period

Probation Period


Don’t Sneak A Dead Person On!

It’s not just in the classic film Weekend at Bernie’s where someone pretended a dead person was alive. No, this actually happens on flights too! Transporting dead bodies via flights can cost around $5,000, thus, some people have actually attempted to sneak on dead relatives. Some may have heard about that Miami passenger who tried to get on a flight with his deceased mother in a garment bag. Actually, funeral directors are offered loyalty air miles, so price is not always their biggest concern. Anyway, this is something flight attendants really need to watch out for and in addition, some airlines are prepared for an on-flight death. Singapore Airlines actually has a ‘corpse cupboard’ to store a passenger that has died in flight.

Dont Sneak A Dead Person On

Don’t Sneak A Dead Person On