Flight Attendants Finally Reveal Best Kept Secrets

Published on 03/06/2018

When It Comes To Water

Just be forewarned, don’t drink bathroom tap water on flights! So what about the potable water that they use for tea or coffee? According to lots of flight attendants, it’s best to stick with bottled beverages and opt for your caffeine once you’re back on the ground. Yes, those tanks get cleaned, but it may not be that often. Also the valve that is responsible for cleaning the bathroom waste is very close to the one for filling clean water.

When It Comes To Water

When It Comes To Water


Life of A Flight Attendant

More on the life of flight attendants…people think of Gwyneth Paltrow in View from the Top. Of course, many think of this romantic career full of glamour. However, that’s far from the reality. Vastly different from a 9 to 5 standard job, this career has demanding hours. Oh and constant jet lag and let’s not forget being far from family and friends. Right and the 3 in the morning wake up calls, holiday, weekend and night shifts. Naturally, seniority determines their schedules.

Life Of A Flight Attendant

Life Of A Flight Attendant