She Was One Of Germany’s ‘Pure’ Women
As a loyal supporter of her local youth organization, Trutz became one of its leading prodigies. Trutz later revealed how ‘I was pointed out as the perfect example of the Nordic woman.

She Was One Of Germany’s ‘Pure’ Women
She not only had blonde hair and blue eyes, Trutz also had ‘long legs… a long trunk…broad hips and a pelvis built for child-bearing.’
Why Not Give The Fuhrer A Child
By 1936, Trutz had completed her schooling and was at a cross-roads about which path to take in life. While many nowadays would consider which career they wanted to follow, Trutz still lived under the Nazi regime.

Why Not Give The Fuhrer A Child
While she was in the midst of her decision, she found herself talking to one of the leaders of the BDM program, who persuasively suggested ‘If you don’t know what to do… why not give the Führer a child? What Germany needs more than anything is racially valuable stock.’ While this would be inconceivable to imagine in these times, Trutz wanted to find out more…