As Soon As They Made Their Choice
Once Trutz had made her choice, she revealed how they would then have to wait ‘until the tenth day after the beginning of the last period.’

As Soon As They Made Their Choice
Once this day came she received another medical exam and learnt that she would spend the night with her chosen SS man. For Trutz, the idea seemed exciting, as she would spend the night with her match and be producing a baby for the Fuhrer.
She Believed In The Greater Cause
Trutz later recounted how ‘as both the father of my child and I believed completely in the importance of what we were doing’. Since she and the SS match were completely indoctrinated that they were doing this for the greater cause, she exclaimed how ‘we had no shame or inhibitions of any kind.’

She Believed In The Greater Cause
She also noted how she was impressed with his ‘smashing looks’, although she thought he was probably a little stupid…