21 Aluminum Foil Hacks You Didn’t Know You Needed

Published on 10/08/2018

Getting the Light Right

It can be really frustrating when you’re an amateur photographer trying to get good light for a photoshoot. We don’t all have fancy flashes and lighting reflectors. However, we do have aluminum foil, and in this case, that’s all we need. Just wrap some cardboard with this silver miracle worker and voila! You’ve got a reflector.

Getting The Light Right

Getting The Light Right


Keeping Matchsticks Dry

What’s the best thing you can possibly do after setting up your tents at a campsite after a grueling day of hiking? That’s right – starting a campfire. The only issue is that sometimes the matches you brought along with you are wet from hiking through water. Your solution to this problem? Wrap your matches in aluminum foil and you’ll be good to go. Dry as a desert.

Keeping Matchsticks Dry

Keeping Matchsticks Dry