Fact And Fiction: The Story Of Doc Holliday

Published on 12/19/2019

Bob Dylan

Val Kilmer said that Bob Dylan loved the film! “One of my favorites was Bob Dylan who was obsessed with Tombstone,” the actor narrated when he explained what it was like to meet the music legend, “So he came over to my hotel. I was like, ‘Where are you? I’ll come over.’ And he said, ‘No, I’ll be right there.’ So we sat and eventually he said ‘Ain’t you gonna say anything about that movie?’ I was so star struck myself. He wasn’t star-struck, but he was just really, really into that movie. It was very flattering.”

Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan


Adrenaline Rush

Biehn said that his character Johnny Ringo was fond of “living on the edge” and lifethreatening situations lent him “that adrenaline rush.” In the Old West, he said that Johnny would have gotten bored just drinking and traveling. “He was just a drunk guy, as you can imagine living back then in the old west. You think about all the saloons and the all the warm beers, no air conditioning,” Biehn said, “And it’s Tombstone, and if you’ve ever been down there, it’s hot all the time, so it would be pretty miserable if you ask me.”

Adrenaline Rush

Adrenaline Rush