In June 2021, Conan, a late-night TBS talk show hosted by comedian Conan O’Brien (who previously hosted NBC’s Late Night and The Tonight Show), will end. Even before the show was canceled, executive producer Jeff Ross told Deadline that late-night shows are “kind of dinosaurs in the business,” and “TBS and these linear cable networks, especially, are just like death. You know there’s no circulation, so you can’t do it forever.” Conan is coming to an end, with O’Brien moving on to a new weekly variety show on HBO after nearly 30 years in late-night television.
Wyonna Earp
In 2016, Syfy adapted Wynonna Earp, a Weird West comic book series about a demon-slaying special agent, into a live-action TV series. After season four, the show will end five years later, in April 2021. All hope, however, is not lost. Fans of the show, known as “Earpers,” had the hashtag #BringWynonnaHome trending on Twitter within days of the announcement, determined to keep their favorite show alive. This isn’t the first time the show’s audience has interacted with it. Earpers rallied on Twitter and a billboard was erected in Times Square when IDW Entertainment, a production company, ran into financial difficulties in 2019. Seven24 Films, which also produces the show, is looking for a new distributor, according to The Wrap.