Black Lightning
In this DC superhero series, which premiered in 2018, the retired Black Lightning, played by Cress Williams, returns to save his daughters, Anissa and Jennifer, from a local gang in order to redeem himself. They later develop their own special abilities and join him as Thunder and Lightning, respectively. The CW announced that the show would be canceled after the fourth season, which premiered in early February and concluded in early March. It is possible that the cancellation was prompted by lower-than-average ratings for the previous season, and that the TV network is more likely to profit from producing a new DC series, as reported by Newsweek. The CW is actively developing a spin-off series featuring Jordan Calloway as Painkiller, a character who first appeared in the Black Lightning television series.
Because of the departure of lead actress America Ferrera from the show in 2020, it was possible that Superstore would be cancelled after all. It is expected to end in spring 2021 after its sixth season, which will follow a group of retail employees at Cloud 9, a fictional big-box store located in St Louis, Missouri. It has been reported by Variety that low ratings in the first half of season six were a contributing factor to the show’s cancellation. A Spanish adaptation of Superstore, tentatively titled “Supertitlan,” was announced in February by Dopamine and the original producer, Universal Television, and will be co-produced by Dopamine and Universal Television.