Tongs Can Be Used To Clean Your Blinds
What else tends to accumulate dust yet remain forgotten? The blinds and shades on the windows. It can be tedious to clean them, but things do not have to be this way. You can easily get the dust off with the use of kitchen tongs. You just need to fasten a microfiber cloth or an old t-shirt at the end of it and then secure them with rubber bands. This is a great way to get rid of the dust on both sides without a hitch!

Tongs Can Be Used To Clean Your Blinds
Keep Extra Wrapping Paper In A Garment Bag
By the end of the holiday season, there is a good chance you will find yourself with tubes of wrapping paper somewhere in your closet. Even worse, they might continue to fall over and refuse to stay in the spot you left them in. You can store all the unused paper in some garment bag. It is not only long enough to store the tubes, but it also allows you to keep something else on the floor of the cabinet.

Keep Extra Wrapping Paper In A Garment Bag