Your Life Will Change When You Realize You Can Use These Common Things This Way

Published on 09/11/2019

Strain Your Food With Tights

Do you have an old pair of tights you no longer use? If so, you should use it to strain food products. Tights are awesome at this since the holes are small enough to filter through food particles!

Strain Your Food With Tights

Strain Your Food With Tights


Groom Your Eyebrows With A Toothbrush

There are many things you can do with your toothbrush aside from keeping your teeth clean. It is actually useful if you want to groom your brows! Not only is it cheaper than an eyebrow brush, but it also saves you a trip to your drugstore.

Groom Brows With A Toothbrush

Groom Eyebrows With A Toothbrush