Your Life Will Change When You Realize You Can Use These Common Things This Way

Published on 09/11/2019

Random Jean Buttons

We all wear jeans, so you must have noticed the extra buttons added to the seams of the pants. Did you know what they are for? Called rivets, they are added to stop the seams from wearing out and popping open. Levi Strauss is the person who patented the invention. In 1829, he came up with it after hearing of miners complaining about wearing out their jeans.

Random Jean Buttons

Random Jean Buttons


Extra Fabric With New Clothes

After buying new clothes, you will notice that it comes with a small bag of the fabric. This is not actually meant for patching up tears and rips. You are supposed to use them in the washer as a trial run. It lets you figure out the best settings to use before you put the piece of clothing in the washing machine!

Extra Fabric With New Clothes

Extra Fabric With New Clothes