This Woman’s Husband Was Always Coming Home Late, His Clothes Revealed The Truth

Published on 06/05/2018

Jonna and David were recently married, but for some reason her husband continually came home late from work. Feeling stuck in the house and suspicous, one evening she decided to do the laundry. What she found changed their lives forever:

Suspicion Arises

A cute couple from Leesburg, Indiana were recently married, but for some reason, the husband continually returned home from work late. His wife was left feeling unsure about what was going on. She spent much of her time stuck in their house with their newborn daughter. She thought maybe they weren’t enough for him? He seemed to be more interested in work, but maybe it was something else. One day she took a close look at this clothing that was in the family laundry. She was taken aback. It revealed the truth about her husband’s late nights and changed her entire outlook on their future.


Suspicion Arises


Making It Official

Jonna Miller and her husband David were both in their 20s and first began dating in October of 2012. The following year during Thanksgiving, they became formally engaged. There was much to be thankful for. Jonna was 6 months pregnant. She gave birth to her daughter, Delanie in February 2014. Then in May 2015, David and Jonna made it official when they tied the knot.

Making It Official

Making It Official