In 1997, Lori Loughlin of Full House fame joined the cast of Seinfeld to play Patty in an episode called “Serenity Now.” It revolves around anger issues and even opens with George in a screaming match with his parents. Not long after that, everyone is venting and yelling, “Serenity Now!” She tries to help Jerry express his fury. He eventually does until she turns into the target of his anger. When she dumps him, he has no choice but to try his luck with someone else the following week.
After her stint on the show, Teri Hatcher found her footing in the industry. She landed a role in the hit show Desperate Housewives and currently has a net worth of $50 million. In “The Implant,” she plays Sidra. Jerry compulsively wonders whether they are the real thing or not. She only tells him that it is none of his business. As neurotic as ever, he keeps asking. She eventually gets angry and tells him that he has a mental illness. Her famous last words? “They’re real, and they’re spectacular.”