On 19 August 1981, the skies were patrolled in the Sidra Gulf off Libya by two F-14 Tomcats — the top US jet fighters. Two Libyan SU-22 fitters are in front of them. The Tomcats are moving to them. But one of the Fitters unexpectedly released an Atoll missile, and it turned the routine interception hot.

These U.S Jets Were Out Patrolling When The Unexpected Happened
Today’s Mission
Nothing is important to them other than to warn the F-14s against the fitters. This is today’s mission: let Libyans know that if they don’t get away, they’re getting towards an area where they face firing. However, an air-to-air missile fires at the leading US aircraft and the US Navy’s top guns in a fight-or-flight scenario.

Today’s Mission