These U.S Jets Were Out Patrolling When The Unexpected Happened

Published on 09/04/2021

The First Test

This was the first F-14 Tomcat test in real life. The flying colors are to be said to pass. But think again if you photograph the twirls of the stately dogfights of the past. All of this occurred in the sparkling eye: the initial missile-firing went less than 45 seconds into the second Libyan aircraft.

The First Test

The First Test


The Pilot’s Ability And Skill

But was the pilot’s performance down? Muczynski didn’t think so. He told author Bert Kinzey, “One thing I would like to say is that I feel that anybody in my squadron could do the same thing that I did. It was simply me being in the right place at the right time with the right results.”

The Pilot

The Pilot