Big Fan Of Dogs
Among other things, Milana is a big animal lover. In fact, her motto goes, “All animals all the time.” In the photo, you can see her hanging out with her furry companions! If you go through her social media pages, you are also going to find photos of cats and other animals in need. Her Instagram page is littered with ‘modeling’ dogs and department canines. Isn’t that the most adorable thing you have ever heard?

Big Fan Of Dogs
How She Became Lily Adams
At long last, she got her big break when she snagged the role of Lily Adams in 2013. The AT&T ad gave her the breakthrough that she was waiting for. When the commercial was aired, people wanted to know more about her. The commercials introduced this funny but unhelpful sales associate. Not only were they effective at advertising the AT&T brand, but they made people pay attention to the actress herself!

How She Became Lily Adams