The Best Places To Retire On $200,000 Or Less

Published on 11/20/2019

Costa Rica

One of the most popular retirement destinations for Americans is Costa Rica. Thanks to its stunning scenery, affordable and healthy lifestyle, and welcoming people, it’s become a favorite. A couple can live well on $2,000 a month in San José and the Central Valley. There is an airport nearby, shopping, and hospitals as well. The Nicoya Peninsula offers more of a beach life on a budget, while Atenas has all the amenities you’d need in one city. In Atenas, a three-bedroom will rent for a little over $400, and a three-course dinner for two costs around $25. Not to mention, health care is also affordable in Atenas, which has a public clinic, pharmacy, and emergency room. There is also a full coverage public health insurance system known as Caja that some choose to pay $75-100 for.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica


How to retire in Costa Rica

Retired workers who receive pensions of $1,000 a month can get a one-year residency under Costa Rica’s pensionado program. A married couple will need to get only $1,000 in pension income under either spouse’s name. After 3 years of temporary residency, you can apply for permanent residency. If you have no pension, you might qualify for the rentista program. You’ll have to prove you will get $2,500 a month of unearned income for two years so that you won’t need a job in Costa Rica. You can comply with a letter showing that you have $60,000 in the bank and intend to withdraw $2,500 a month for 24 months.

How To Retire In Costa Rica

How To Retire In Costa Rica