Welcome To Robertson Row
A lot of the family members of this famous family actually live near each other. The place is now known as the “Robertson Row.” There are eight houses in the said row and the four Robertson brothers live in four of those houses. The other four houses are the residences of their extended family members as well as close family friends. With this setup, you can see how close they are and you can just imagine the pain they must have gone through in seeing one of their family members die because of cancer.

Welcome To Robertson Row
A Sad Day
One of the houses found in “Robertson Row” was where John and Chrys Howard live. They are Korie’s parents. Since her parents are also an important part of the family, they have also been seen on Duck Dynasty a couple of times. The show’s fans have come to know the Howards and they were known for being supportive and loving in their roles as parents and grandparents. When one of their cousins died, the whole Robertson family grieved with them and supported them.

A Sad Day