This Single Mother Only Wanted To Have Dinner In This Restaurant, What Happened Next Stunned Her

Published on 08/26/2020

An Amazing Night

Courtney expressed in a post that she made on Facebook: “I actually got to eat my food while it was still hot!” and she had more to say! She said that Nianni was actually an amazing person to be with, and she was in total shock because nothing like that scenario has ever happened before to her. She also says that she just wanted to give the spotlight and appreciation to the said waitress for taking the time to sit down with her baby girl despite the stress caused by the rush hour.

An Amazing Night

An Amazing Night


She Also Dealt With Babies

Nianni is certainly not new to the mood swings that young children have. Her niece recently graduated from the so-called “Terrible-twos” a normal stage in a child’s development in which a toddler can regularly bounce between reliance on adults and a newly burgeoning desire for independence. To the so-called “Terrifying-threes” which is the phase wherein the babies will be acting up a LOT, and their tantrums are nothing more than demonstrations that you are their safe place. Nianni was aware of how irascible babies can get when they’re hungry, grumpy, etc. But what would her manager think of her taking a break?

She Also Dealt With Babies

She Also Dealt With Babies