The Most Expensive Things Owned By The Queen Elizabeth II

Published on 02/03/2021

1992 Daimler DS420

Owned Since: 1992
Valued At: $46,500*

For many countries, the 1992 Daimler DS420 is a favored state car because of its dapper appearance. England isn’t any different. Ever since it came out, the Queen of England has owned the DS420. Also called the Daimler Limousine, the 1992 Daimler DS420 has a Jaguar engine under the hood. In addition to being a Royal favorite, entrepreneurs and hoteliers also use this car. In the Queen’s collection, the DS420 was one of four, and she bought some of the last models to roll the lot out.

1992 Daimler DS420

1992 Daimler DS420


An Aberdeen Angus Cow

Owned Since: 2005
Valued At: $1,500*

The Crown has a deep connection to cattle of the Angus breed. To develop the breed, which emerged in 1808, the former Queen Mother was interested. A wealthy patron of the Aberdeen Angus Cattle Society was the former Queen Mother. Queen Elizabeth is likewise a patron of the breed. An Aberdeen Angus calf was presented to Queen Elizabeth II to call her own. In 2017, when Aberdeen Angus triplets (all female) were born at the Castle of Mey, there was an exciting “Royal Birth.” The Castle of Mey was the former residence of the Queen Mother.

An Aberdeen Angus Cow

An Aberdeen Angus Cow