A Tiny Ghost Crab
Look at how small this ghost crab is! We do not even want to think about how many of them we have stepped on in the past. Depending on what time it is, they can also change color to blend into the environment. They are common shore crabs, which means that they prefer to hunt and live in the sand instead of the ocean. However, we are not sure just how much food this little guy can even eat.

A Tiny Ghost Crab
The Biggest Tree Of Them All
If a tree like this one falls in the forest and no one is around, will it make a sound? Well, we are pretty sure that the answer is yes. Redwood trees can reach a height of 379 feet and a diameter of 29 feet. There is no doubt that it would go, “BOOM!” The massive trees are among the oldest tree species on the planet and can live up to over 1,800 years. They are primarily found along the coast of Oregon and northern California.

The Biggest Tree Of Them All