Big Adjustment
The whole family needed to adjust to such a big and unexpected change. They were all taking it in stride. Ronnie seemed to have been the most excited about this development. He said, “One time I seen a shooting star and I wished for a baby brother, and I wished for like two sisters for my little sister because she always wanted a little sister, I knew this day was always going to come”. However, what did Dannette have to say?

Big Adjustment
“I started getting pains, I figured it was kidney stones because I’ve went through them before,” said Dannette. After the doctor had said she was having twins, she never thought she’d be having triplets! “It was quiet, we thought they were done. He’s over there, kind of like rocking like, thinking of the names and then she’s like well we need another blanket and his reaction is like excuse me, put it back, no, I was told I have twins, I’m not doing triplets. She’s like no, there’s three babies in here, there’s triplets,” She continued.
