Tucker Carlson: Everything Revealed That You Need To Hear

Published on 03/20/2018

Duca Debacle

Everyone remembers when Carlson got into that on-air debate with Lauren Duca, writer for Teen Vogue. He told Duca she should “stick to [writing about] the thigh high boots,” with Duca retorting, “You’re a sexist…” as her mic cut off. Afterwards, Tucker acknowledged during the debate he “lost control and snapped at her…I shouldn’t have done it, but I did.” Then he added that Duca was a “not very impressive 26-year-old blogger,” labels her writing as “vapid,” and claims she enjoys “fantasizing about the deaths of her political enemies.” In a followup with The Atlantic, Carlson expressed a bit more regret, saying, “I don’t ever want to get mad…I think it diminishes me and the show, and I don’t want to be that way.”

Duca Debacle

Duca Debacle


Younger Generations

Nowadays, Carlson claims that the inability of the youth to conceptualize nuanced opinions is the biggest challenge. He claims people used to mature and “you start to see how complicated life is.” However, he said now, “A lot of that has been reversed in the last couple of years. All of a sudden, I’m seeing people how are smart and humane and decent who really seem to believe that everyone who disagrees with them is evil and they are in ultimate possession of the truth…It’s starting to scare me a little bit.”

Younger Generations

Younger Generations