It’s hard to explain, but there is something so intriguing about looking at abandoned airplanes, especially planes that were in a wreck. There are many airplanes around the world that were once running perfectly but are now sitting there abandoned waiting for you to go see it. Whether the planes were in accidents because of a technical failure or they got shot down in war, check out some of the world’s most amazing abandoned planes.

Some Of The World’s Coolest Plane Wrecks Can Still Be Visited
Desert Phantom In The Sinai Desert
The Suez Crisis is one of the wars in the Middle East that everyone has forgotten about, but people have not forgotten about this plane. The Egyptians shot down this Israeli military plane during the battle and it has since been left in the Sinai Desert, completely abandoned. It’s a constant reminder of the victories and losses of past years. The conflict which took place in 1956 ended poorly for each country involved except for Egypt. The plane is landed right in the middle of the desert, so you can see nothing except the yellow sand and blue skies against the wreckage of this plane.

Desert Phantom In The Sinai Desert