Wrecked Vought F4U Corsair In Oahu, Hawaii
While a plane crashing and ending up submerged underwater is never a positive thing, the fact that as it deteriorates it becomes the home for new corals, sponges, and other sea creatures is a huge positive gain for what comes from it. This Vought F4U Corsair crashed in 1948 when it was leaving Pearl Harbor for a mission; unfortunately, it had a fuel error. Luckily, the pilot was able to successfully crash-land and came out of the situation unharmed. If you are someone who enjoys scuba diving and you are in Oahu, you should not miss this advanced scuba opportunity.

Wrecked Vought F4U Corsair In Oahu, Hawaii
This Japanese Aichi E13A-1 Underwater Crash In The Pacific Ocean
World War II was responsible for bringing fights to even the smallest unestablished islands, which is part of the reason plane crashes can be discovered all over the South Pacific Ocean in every direction you look. This diving site in Palau gives scuba divers the opportunity to view a Japanese plane that is surprisingly still intact. It sits about 45 feet deep in the ocean and it’s a scuba diving photographer’s dream come true. Since it’s not super far down, the sun is still able to provide good photographing light.

This Japanese Aichi E13A-1 Underwater Crash In The Pacific Ocean