The Cessna 414 Crash In The Blue Ridge Mountains, Tennessee
Despite the fact that the Blue Ridge Mountains are famously known and loved for their incredible views and picturesque landscapes, the Woterrock Knob hiking trail leads to a view that most people would not be prepared for without warning. This plane ended up in the mountains in November 1983, when a small passenger plane was flying straight over the forest. Unfortunately, neither people on board survived, but the remains of the airplane stayed put to remind people of what happened.

The Cessna 414 Crash In The Blue Ridge Mountains, Tennessee
The Airplane Boneyard In Gila County, Arizona
This site used to be home to the Gila River Memorial Airport around the time of World War II, but it was left in shambles, and by the time the ownership was given to the local Native Americans, the site was already an airplane boneyard for many years. Some of the planes in the boneyard date back more than 80 years, and what is left of the airport is now just covered in dust and debris.

The Airplane Boneyard In Gila County, Arizona