20 Wild Rules That Genghis Khan’s Warrior Had To Live By

Published on 08/29/2021

The Mongol armies of Genghis Khan established one of the world’s greatest empires, but it came at a cost. You see, the warlord did not fear terrible violence. In fact, this cruel tyrant created stringent regulations and standards that regulated his troops’ conduct on and off the battlefield as well. A lot of rules have been established and some of it can be really wild for us to understand. But of course, rules are rules, no matter how crazy was it, they need to follow it at all times. And, as you would guess, anybody who challenged him had severe repercussions… So here’s what one of his guerrillas actually was like.

18+ Wild Rules That Genghis Khan's Warrior Had To Live By

18+ Wild Rules That Genghis Khan’s Warrior Had To Live By


#20. Keeping Genghis Khan’s Tomb A Secret

On a summer day in 1227, Genghis Khan died. You would expect that the great guy – the king of everything he surveyed, let’s not forget, would be buried in a beautiful and showy gravesite. But the reality was far away. The emperor himself, in fact, was meant to demand the opposite.

#20. Keeping Genghis Khan's Tomb A Secret

#20. Keeping Genghis Khan’s Tomb A Secret