Flight Attendants Finally Reveal Best Kept Secrets

Published on 03/06/2018

Worth It Or Not?

Of course, if you’ve seen movies like Catch Me If You Can, the flight attendant lifestyle can appear very glamorous! I mean, they do get to travel all over the country or even world. However, this job demands a busy and hectic schedule. Also they only get paid from the moment the cabin doors shut or once the flight takes off. So, cancellations and delays are really frustrating for the crew as well or more so, because they won’t get paid if the plane never leaves the gate. Each airline has its own pay policy, but still consider that next time you have a delay!

Worth It Or Not@

Worth It Or Not?


Brace Position Myth

Passengers on flights are instructed to take a special position when bracing for impact that has been enforced by commercial aviation safety procedures. For years, a conspiracy myth spread that this position actually leads to a faster death. Experts have disproved this myth. Actually, the famous position helps protect your vitals from injury by compacting your body. In addition, it makes the force from a crash channel straight to the chair in front, rather than through one’s body. In fact, MythBusters also proved this!

Brace Position Myth

Brace Position Myth