Flight Attendants Finally Reveal Best Kept Secrets

Published on 03/06/2018

Overweight Luggage

Everyone knows the pain of being charged extra for overweight or additional bags, but truth is…a few extra pounds will not affect the plane. In general, planes have been designed for carrying one stowed luggage piece for each passenger. It’s crucial that the plane have the right center of gravity when taking off. Thus, the airlines have long used a special practice of loading sandbags (sometimes up to 600 pounds!) into the plane’s cargo hold in order to evenly distribute the weight.

Overweight Luggage

Overweight Luggage


In Case Of Medical Emergency

Have no fear, your flight attendants have actually been trained as first responders in case of a medical emergency! They’re able to perform the Heimlich and administer CPR. Every plane had first aid kits and flights with over 30 passengers all have defibrillators. During emergencies, the crew asks passengers if anyone is a doctor, but in the more time-sensitive, life threatening situations, the pilot can make the choice to divert course and land the plane. On domestic flights, an emergency landing can happen within a quarter of an hour, but obviously, this is more difficult on oversea flights. Next, what you hear might make you think twice about your travel companions.

In Case Of Medical Emergency

In Case Of Medical Emergency