Minor Compensation
In 2008, the group presented their argument in the European Court of Human Rights. Unfortunately, like the culmination of a bad dream, their case was dismissed.

Minor Compensation
As a poor form of compensation, the Norwegian government handed out £8,000 to each of them.
Frida Lyngstad
One of the babies who was born in the Lebensborn program was Frida Lyngstad. She was one of the lead singers of the Swedish band, ABBA. Her mother was a Norwegian woman by the name of Synni Lyngstad. Her father was a Nazi sergeant who bedded Lyngstad by bribing her with a sack of potatoes – a rarity at that time of the war.

Frida Lyngstad
When the Nazi soldier returned to Germany, Lyngstad fell pregnant, but her community ostracized her. She flew to Sweden where she bore her daughter, but died of kidney failure.