21 Aluminum Foil Hacks You Didn’t Know You Needed

Published on 10/08/2018

Heal Your Burns

This trick is proven to work in mysterious ways… If you’ve accidentally burnt yourself on something like a hot pan or your hair curler, wrap the burnt area in aluminum foil. All you have to do is place the shiny side of the foil on the affected area, wrap it around, and wait 20 minutes. Take off the foil and see your pain magically gone!

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Heal Your Burns


Re-seal Vinyl Floors

Did a piece of tile come unglued from your floor? Have no fear, aluminum foil is here! Here’s how to fix it: place the tile back onto the floor and place a piece of aluminum foil on top. After that, run your clothes iron over the area for a minute or until you can feel the glue reattaching to the floor. After you’ve done this, place something heavy like a few books or a chair on top of the tile until you feel the glue has had time to dry. Voila, your tile is good as new!

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Re-seal Vinyl Floors