21 Aluminum Foil Hacks You Didn’t Know You Needed

Published on 10/08/2018

Bring Your Own Cupcake (Carrier)

Promised you’d bring cupcakes to a potluck but don’t want to forget to bring your reuseable container home afterward? Simply mold each cupcake into a bed of foil one-by-one and layer the foil a few times. Doing so will create a sturdy, one-time use carrier that you don’t have to worry about forgetting at the party.

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Bring Your Own Cupcake (Carrier)


Grow Your Seeds

In order to give your seeds the best chance to grow, try aluminum foil! Line a shoe box or other sturdy material with foil (placing the shiny side up). Poke some holes in both the box and the foil so that moisture can still get in and out through the soil. Plant the seeds and watch your new plants come to life! This will work because the inside of the box with the foil will absorb heat to keep moisture in, amd the foil also will reflect light onto the seeds.

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Grow Your Seeds