A Stressful Experience
“I was running Organic Liaison with a structural corporate position… And that was stressful,” Alley shared at a different point that year. She went on, “Usually, I deal with stress really well, but if there are two things in combination overwhelming me, that’s when I reach my trigger point and start eating.”
One Problem After Another
“The time it hit me the hardest – because it was the first time I gained a lot of weight – was right before I did Jenny Craig,” she told Women’s Health, “I was being attacked in the press for being fat – just brutal.” This was not the end of it. She explained, “I also remember that I owed the IRS a lot of money, and I needed to figure that out in 30 days [on top of] the press calling me fat. I had also broken up with a boyfriend, and that was gruesome and hideous. One day, I went in a room, locked the door and went, ‘What am I going to do? What are my options?’”