This Woman’s Husband Was Always Coming Home Late, His Clothes Revealed The Truth

Published on 06/05/2018

Women Cannot Adorn Themselves With Gold Or Pearls

Also according to the Biblical story of Timothy II, women cannot adorn or “decorate” themselves. This means absolutely no jewelry. Jewelry is viewed as showing off and trying to attract attention in the view of the Amish. They think it is a way of showing “I’m rich and you’re poor” and it is viewed as a waste of money. Why not feed your family or donate to charity if you have some extra money floating around?

Women Cannot Adorn Themselves With Gold Or Pearls

Women Cannot Adorn Themselves With Gold Or Pearls


Women Must Do The Cooking & Cleaning

Amish believe in traditional roles for men and women. Cooking and cleaning are done by the women, and men work to earn a paycheck. They do the labor, and handy work around the house, while women bear children, cook and clean. Some secular people say when they see how the Amish act, it is like a glimpse of how our grandmothers and grandfathers acted. A woman’s domain is the household, and she doesn’t work. How things have changed for most of the world!

Women Must Do The Cooking Cleaning

Women Must Do The Cooking Cleaning