This Woman’s Husband Was Always Coming Home Late, His Clothes Revealed The Truth

Published on 06/05/2018

Did He Ever Stop Being Amish?

In her blog, Jonna pens some of her unique observations about the Amish. Well we’re glad she did as we’re still at the edge of our seats with so many unanswered questions. Did he ever stop being Amish? Well according to Jonna her husband did adjust to his “new ‘English’ lifestyle”. Nevertheless, she does highlight how ‘his Amish roots didn’t come out of the woods every once and awhile…And let me tell you, you can take a man out of the Amish but you can’t take the Amish out of a man.’

You Can Take A Man Out Of The Amish...

Did He Ever Stop Being Amish…


Does He Still Judge Outsiders?

One of the most intriguing parts to the story is the idea that her husband gave up being Amish when he met her. Nevertheless, Jonna still wondered if he ever truly gave up being Amish and blogged “Did he leave behind the morals his parents spent 18 years instilling in him?” Another thought that crossed her mind was “Can I act like the weird bitch that I truly am without judgment?” We also wondered if his Amish background made him more judgmental of ‘outsiders’. Well we’re guessing he accepted this ‘outsider’ just the way she is…

Does He Still Judge Outsiders

Does He Still Judge Outsiders


He Still Has Amish Quirks

Jonna touchingly wrote how her husband still ‘has his little quirks that I laugh at but secretly adore.’ One of these quirks is his ‘funny Amish accent’ and when he says certain words or phrases like “7-11…or I will borrow him some money” instead of ‘lending’ money. Though it took some time to get adjusted to these Amish quirks, Jonna blogged how “Don’t worry, I still love your little Amish ass”.

He Has Amish Quirks

He Still Has Amish Quirks