This Woman’s Husband Was Always Coming Home Late, His Clothes Revealed The Truth

Published on 06/05/2018

Amish Men Have A Dress Code Too

While Amish women have to follow a strict dress code and not wear buttons or jewelry, it seems Amish men have some quirky rules of their own. Jonna highlighted one of the most unusual ones in her blog, which is that “Amish men aren’t allowed to have back pockets.” As we racked our brains to understand the possible reason why, Jonna has her own take it it and believes “it’s so the Amish women aren’t tempted to check out their friend’s husbands. Pockets will catch their eye, you know?” Well now we know.

Amish Men Have A Dress Code Too

Amish Men Have A Dress Code Too


Google That

Jonna highlights in her blog how one of the main reality checks she encountered when she married Daniel was that he really didn’t grow up with modern technology. She cites how ‘he seriously asked me how to Google. I’m sure you can imagine all of the fun I had with that one. As a matter of fact, he recently asked me how to use Siri. I had him talking to his phone saying ridiculous things for five minutes before he had caught on.’ It seems this couple certainly are the yin to each others’ yang, but it hey, works!

Google That

Google That