Yes, Tucker Carlson is allowed to have his own beliefs and he’s not afraid to vocalize them. When it comes to Russia, he doesn’t think that they’re a real threat to America. Carlson has said many times that America should work alongside Russia in the Syrian Civil War. Peter Beinart of The Atlantic has said that Carlson has been an “apologist for Donald Trump on the Russia scandal.” Surrounding the controversy of Donald Trump Jr. accepting anti-Clinton information from a Russian government official, Carlson said it was taking on a “new level of hysteria” and that Trump Jr. had only been “gossiping with foreigners.”

Tucker raised questions in April 2018 about what was going on in Syria with dictator Bashar al-Assad. He wasn’t certain that Assad was actually responsible for the horrendous chemical attacks on the Syrian people. He provided the idea that perhaps a set-up in order to implicate the Assad regime.
