Tucker Carlson: Everything Revealed That You Need To Hear

Published on 03/20/2018

Public Opinion

The more Carlson speaks out on issues that are important to him, the more infuriated people grow. The New York Times James Poniewozik wrote once, “Mr. Carlson does not seek to interview his subjects but to defeat them…He shifts topics to imply hypocrisies…He prods, pounces, guffaws and interrupts…The camera holds tight on his face to show every squint of bemusement, contempt and confusion. (His default face is that of a bear puzzling out how to get at a beehive.) A long ‘Ohhhhh’ means he believes a guest has just let slip a secret agenda. ‘I agree with you!’ means he does not agree at all.”

Public Opinion

Public Opinion


Climate Change

Yup, Tucker Carlson absolutely rejects the scientific consensus on climate change. Moreover, he’s not even sure whether human activities have contributed to climate change, as he claims it’s all “unknowable.” Looks like his views on climate change are in sync with the current President of the United States. Interesting times.

Climate Change

Climate Change