The Mask He Wore
The phone call made Karen rethink her plans and she decided to marry Burris anyway. She remained hopeful that she can have kids of her own, but she was surprised by the reaction of her new husband! She definitely did not expect the loving man to sneer at her and call her a “bag of bones”! Unfortunately, this was only the beginning of his abusive behavior that he would show her.

The Mask He Wore
Careless Spending
When they first began dating, everyone was under the belief that Burris was as rich as Karen was. That would not turn out to be the case. Appearances aside, he was actually spending more money than he had in the bank. Evelyn Wallace said, “It wasn’t long after they got married that he started asking her for money. He’d give her some excuse, and she’d give him the money. He’d ask for $35,000 and $50,000 at a time. Finally it got down to the point where all she had left was stocks and bonds.”

Careless Spending